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Frequently asked questions
Whether you’re new to our services or well-acquainted, we anticipate you may have some questions.
Presented below are the inquiries we commonly encounter.

How much time will be required of my staff?Very little. We gather all the required information from your accounts payable department. For your convenience, we can also come on-site to photocopy the required invoices. We operate as independently as possible, working within the parameters you establish. A letter of authorization on your letterhead will allow us to work directly with your vendors on your behalf. On average, clients achieve approximately $26,000 in annual savings for every hour spent with us.
What does it cost to engage Expense Consulting?Nothing. There are no upfront fees involved. We operate on a performance-based model and earn a percentage of the savings we identify. In the rare event that no savings are found, no charges will be incurred.
What happens if you review our invoices and don't find any savings?We've successfully identified savings for every client, covering 89% of the spend categories we've analyzed. In the event that we determine you've already secured the most competitive pricing and no credits are applicable, you can be confident knowing our experts have verified you're receiving the best possible deal.
What if we don’t want to share confidential information?The majority of projects do not necessitate the sharing of confidential information; typically, invoices are adequate. However, for a comprehensive review of contract compliance, agreements are required. It's important to note that our engagement agreement encompasses confidentiality and non-disclosure provisions. Specifically for healthcare clients, business associate agreements (BAAs) are consistently executed.
How long from time of engagement to realization of savings?In most cases, you can anticipate realizing savings within four to six weeks of initiating our engagement. Projects with greater complexity may require more time.
Does it matter where my company is located?No. We currently work with companies in 43 states.
I have a procurement manager, purchasing department, accounts payable, etc. Why do I need Expense Consulting?When your procurement team takes on a project, they represent a single company. In contrast, we pour over thousands of invoices and contracts each year, enabling us to benchmark your pricing effectively. While your team may work on a particular spend category periodically, we have likely engaged with that category numerous times in the past year alone. Our resources include a proprietary database with hundreds of thousands of SKUs and services, incorporating historical pricing from hundreds of engagements. Furthermore, we have access to unpublished discount schedules and possess insights into the operational practices of your vendors. We create win-win situations by securing savings for you and optimizing their operations.
How do you ensure we are realizing the savings?We conduct periodic reviews to confirm your partners are adhering to the updated pricing schedules and contract terms.
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